In 1966, two young friends founded Géneros de Punto Juper S.L. in the small town of Òdena. The company had a modest beginning, with a small factory and a small team of workers. However, thanks to the effort and dedication of its founders, the company began to grow, incorporating modern textile machinery, expanding its production capacity and offering a wide variety of models in each collection.
Géneros de Punto Juper uses wool, modal and cashmere in its winter collections, to dress a woman who wants quality, comfort and elegance above all. In the summer collections, we play with different prints on viscose or cotton fabrics. We also use cotton, pearl and viscose yarns to knit knitted garments, giving more importance to cheerful colours for the summer season.
Juper is currently present in more than 400 boutiques throughout Spain, and in 100 points of sale in different parts of the world.
Multi-brand boutiques specialising in fashion find their best supplier in Juper.