

These conditions regulate the use of the online purchase service on the www.juperpunto.es/ website.

In this sense, we inform you that as a user you accept these general conditions of contracting and use of the service. We inform you that we may modify the website and these general conditions of use of the service in order to make the appropriate changes and modifications without prior notice.

Identity: Géneros de Punto Juper S.L.
CIF/NIF: B08202624
Postal address: Avenida Manresa, 68 08711 Òdena
Telephone: 938034649
E-mail: juper@filnet.es
Data protection and privacy contact: Josep Bernades
All users who access the website and purchase the products offered must be over 18 years of age and have sufficient legal capacity to enter into contracts.

Any person over 18 years of age, with sufficient capacity to act, may purchase products through the website.


The conditions of each of the products offered, as well as their characteristics, are described on the website.

The prices on the website include VAT but exclude shipping costs, which will be added to the total amount. Prices may change at any time but (except as set out above) any changes will not affect orders for which an Order Confirmation has already been sent.

Once you have selected the product you wish to purchase, it can be paid for by credit card.

If you wish to pay by credit card, the website will redirect you to a payment platform.

Under no circumstances will Juper Punto send the receipt by any means other than e-mail. If you have not received it within 48 hours, you should contact the customer service department of the company indicated. In any case, you are asked to check all your mail folders beforehand, including the spam folder.

Once it has been verified that the payment procedure has been carried out correctly by any of the available means, Juper Punto will issue the corresponding proof of purchase to the e-mail address provided by the user.

If you wish, you may contact us by e-mail at juper@filnet.es by telephone at 938034649 to request that we send you the proof of purchase by post or by any other equivalent means.


The purchase is delivered by the courier company provided by Juper Punto to carry out these tasks, and the user must pay the costs corresponding to the shipment of the product and which are detailed in the purchase procedure itself; and which will be accepted by the user when finalising the purchase and paying for it.

It will be understood that the delivery has been formalised when it is carried out at the address indicated by the customer, even if it is not delivered to the customer’s person.

Only the consumer shall be liable for any diminished value of goods resulting from the handling of the products other than that necessary to guarantee their nature, characteristics or functioning.


In accordance with the regulations for the defence of consumers and users, once the purchase has been made, the user has 14 calendar days to exercise their right of withdrawal, from the receipt of the product at the address indicated and having the proof of purchase; provided that the product is returned in correct condition, in its original state and with the warranty seals intact.

The user must contact the company via the following e-mail address: juper@filnet.es stating that he/she wishes to exercise his/her right of withdrawal or by completing the following form:

To the attention of ( Name of the company )

I hereby inform you that I withdraw from our contract of sale referred to:
Reference (purchase or invoice no.): ___________________________

Product received on _____/_____/_________

Name of the person exercising the right of withdrawal (consumer/s and user/s):_______________________________________

Address of the person exercising the right: ________________________________

E-mail address of the person exercising the right: __________@____________ (required if sent electronically)

Date: _____/_____/_________

Signature of the consumer and user(s) (only if the form is submitted on paper).

Once the deadline has expired, Juper Punto does not accept returns due to withdrawal from the services purchased.

Dispute Resolution:

Juper Punto is not a member of any platform for resolving consumer disputes or arbitration, and is available to users/customers through the customer service channels on the website.

However, in accordance with Regulation 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 21 May 2013, on the resolution of online consumer disputes, we inform you of the existence of a European platform for the resolution of disputes, which may be used in the field of e-commerce; you can obtain more information at: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/?event=main.home.show.


The Company reserves the right to modify this Policy at any time, giving notice of material changes. These changes will not have retroactive effect, except in the case of legal impositions, and will be applicable 30 days after the publication of the corresponding notice. If you do not agree with the changes, we recommend that you do not use the website.

These general conditions are governed by Spanish Law, and the Spanish Courts and Tribunals shall be competent to hear any questions that may arise regarding the interpretation, application and fulfilment of the same. The user, by virtue of the acceptance of the general conditions contained in this legal notice, expressly waives any jurisdiction that, by application of the current Civil Procedure Law, may correspond.